Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12: A late start

Well, obviously I've gotten a late start on my 2009 resolution. I had originally intended for this blog and first post to go up January 1, but better late than never, so here goes. Starting tomorrow I will be posting a picture of everything I eat. Sounds boring, however I've seen it done on a few blogs and they are fairly interesting. My hope is that if everyone sees exactly what I eat each day I am more likely to eat less junk. I do not have any weight loss goals. These never work for me. My only goal is a healthier body and mind.

I have done only so-so with my eating less junk, but I have done very well with a healthier mind. I'm almost finished with this month's book (The Gargoyle) and I'm excited to start a new one. I haven't decided what my next one will be, but I have a stack to choose from on my shelf. If anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear them!

This blog may not interest everyone, but that's okay! Also, if anyone has any suggestions and what they'd be interested (or not interested) in seeing on this blog please share!


Bags said...

I read 3 books over the Christmas break, all of which were excellent.

-The Princess Bride (much funnier than the movie)
-Artemis Fowl

Mistborn (if you like fantasy) is by FAR one of the best books I've ever read, and it's the first of a series of 3 books. If you start it, you probably won't be able to put it down... thought I'd give you fair warning.

Anonymous said...

awesome blog Meagen! Great idea on posting a picture of everything you eat. If I did that, I wouldn't eat because I eat really bad. I'm excited to see future posts.