Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

So as I look at the pictures of everything I ate today I am just totally depressed. I mean good hell no wonder I look and feel like I do. But no matter how embarrassed I may be by these photos here is everything I ate today. I'm going to be working out formatting over the next few posts, so forgive me if they aren't uniform for a few days.

Breakfast: 32oz Coke and 1 Pop-tart

Lunch: Handful of guacamole chips dipped in cream cheese & 2 glasses of H20

Dinner: Taco Salad & 12oz Coke

Not that this is an excuse by any means (obviously I could have chose to buy different foods) but this is my fridge/freezer. My options are various (most likely) expired condiments or ice cream. SAD. You know that ice cream is on the up and up though. HA. You can always count on me for fresh ice cream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness I forgot all about those guacamole chips! I used to get mine at World Market, it was the only place I could find them. :D

Good luck with your blog! It's hard at first remembering to take pics but then it becomes second nature. :D